Were going to go about a quarter inch away from the edge of the strap and drill a quarter inch hole into the strap. Then well lay them onto the block of wood, keeping them together and keeping our hand away from the end of the drill. Snip off a small corner on both sides, on both straps. Now take the two straps and cut off the corners so they dont stick out when we go to turn them over. And as we need two straps, we're going to repeat the process. We came up with a 30 inch measurement so were just going to lay this strap down at the 30 inch mark and cut it straight across with the cutters. We also need a pair of cutters, or tinstrips, the rivets that we decided we need for our quarter inch hole and the vinyl strapping. This is just something to drill down into to make the holes into the straps. Here we need a few more items from our list including a piece of wood. If we didnt deduct 10% and installed it, it would be sloppy and loose when you sat on it. We do this because the vinyl is stretchy and you want your straps to be tight around the chair. Then loop the tape measure around the other side of the lounger and wrap in a similar way. Wrap your tape twice around the frame until it meets the edge of the second hole. Hold your tape measure around the edge of one hole. If your lounger frame is a little dirty, nows your chance to give it a quick clean.

Pull off the old, broken strap until you have the frame with the empty holes underneath. Time it will take: This is no more than a 10 minute job if you get that water boiling and ready to cook those straps right from the start.
Tools & materials you will need: tape measure, vinyl to cut, or pre-cut replacement straps rivetsfor a double-wrap chaise, a pot with a lid full of boiling water, tongs & heat-proof gloves or similar, a block of wood, a drill, cutters or tin snips. Its a bit tricky to get used to but once you get the flow of it youll be fixing all your broken outdoor furniture with ease. The double wrap is the process of wrapping a vinyl strap over the top of the frame and around it once to hide the rivet of the frame.